How to Use Our Decals

We have begun using a new decal paper which yields better quality prints and shows better model detail when applied. Please read below for tips on applying our decals.

  • Cut apart the individual images from the sheet. Trim as close to the decal as possible for the best results.
  • Submerge the decal into lukewarm water for up to 60 seconds.
  • Take the decal from the water and see if the decal will easily move or slide on the paper backing. If not, return to the water for a few more seconds.
  • Once the decal will slide on the backing, put the decal and backing on a paper towel to remove the excess water.
  • To aid  with positioning, apply water or your preferred decal setting solution to the are of the model the decal is to be placed.
  • Bring the decal to the location on the model you want to apply it, gently and carefully slide the image from the paper backing onto the model. While wet, you can still move the image on the model a bit to position it just where you want it. While the decals can be repositioned, too much may result in tearing, be gentle and limit repositioning to a minimum.
  • If there are any air bubbles under the decal, gently push the bubble toward one of the edges of the decal with a wet Q-tip or soft bristle brush to remove it. Be careful around details like rivets as the sharp points can cause the printer ink to come off.
  • When the decal is in position, simply let it air dry.
  • To assist with contours, curves, and fine details, decal setting solution cab be applied. Brands such as Micro Sol/Set, Tamiya mark fit, and Mr. Hobby (Softer/Setter) can be used. Please reference their instructions for best use.
  • We suggest trying out the specific solution you wish to use on an unused decal from the same sheet applied to a piece of scrap plastic to make sure the solution will not react with the decal.
  • To cut around details, let the decal fully dry before trimming. Then, trim with a brand new, very sharp hobby blade carefully. You can dip a cotton swab in water to wet and tuck and ends of the decal that may have come up for a great finish.

If you wish to spray a clear coat over your decals, which is recommended, the clear paint you intend on using should be tested first using the same method. You may use a flat, semi-gloss, or gloss clear coat to give the desired effect.

Youtube is a great reference for videos on how to master the practice of applying decals.

Having issues with a decal?

Occasionally, a bad sheet of paper will pop up.  You'll know immediately as the decal will fall apart in the water.  Please contact me via with your name and order #.  I will send you out a fresh print ASAP.  Again, just check your spam folder for a reply if you don't hear from me within a day.